Are you constantly ruminating about past mistakes and can't seem to stop your thoughts? Is rumination keeping you awake at night and making you unable to focus at work? Or are you obsessing over someone like your ex after a breakup? Ruminative thinking can lead to...
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How to Reparent Yourself and Love Your Wounded Inner Child
Reparenting is a technique that therapists use to heal deep, psychological wounds, and mental illnesses. It is when the therapist takes on the role of a loving and trustworthy parent so that the wounded inner child residing in our subconscious feels safe to express...
How to Overcome Your Fear of Abandonment
Do you have abandonment issues? Are you afraid that the people you love will leave you? Is your fear of abandonment an ongoing issue for you and your relationship? Do you find yourself becoming needy or even angry when someone you care about shows signs of separation?...