Am I an INFJ? Articles

Am I an INFJ? (Part 1): The Difference Between INFJ and INFP

Am I an INFJ? (Part 1): The Difference Between INFJ and INFP

The easiest way to know if you are an INFJ is to do the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or any other similar personality tests online. But what if you keep getting different results? One test says you are INFJ, while the other says you are an INFP, ISFJ, INTJ, or...

Am I an INFJ? (Part 2): The Difference Between INFJ and INTJ

Am I an INFJ? (Part 2): The Difference Between INFJ and INTJ

When I was seventeen years old, my school had all the students do the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and I was tested INTJ. But at that time, I wasn't convinced because I scored 51% for Thinking and 49% for Feeling. I couldn't decide if I'm more of a...

Am I an INFJ? (Part 3): The Difference Between INFJ and ISFJ

Am I an INFJ? (Part 3): The Difference Between INFJ and ISFJ

To an outsider, INFJs and ISFJs might look very similar. Both personality types are quiet and don't talk so much in group settings. Both personality types are accommodating and dislike conflicts. But if you get to know the two personality types better, especially...

Am I an INFJ? (Part 4): The Difference Between INFJ and ENFJ

Am I an INFJ? (Part 4): The Difference Between INFJ and ENFJ

INFJs and ENFJs click easily. I am an INFJ and once I met an ENFJ for the first time in a group outing and we just started talking like we are old friends. Even two INFJs might not have such a strong bond right at the start because we are slow to warm up to someone...

Am I an INFJ? (Part 5): The Difference Between INFJ and INTP

Am I an INFJ? (Part 5): The Difference Between INFJ and INTP

At first glance, one might not think that INFJ and INTP are alike. After all, there are two letters in their acronyms that are different. But in some areas, these two personality types have more similarities than an INFJ with other personality types. For example, both...

Am I an INFJ? (Part 6): The Difference Between INFJ and ISFP

Am I an INFJ? (Part 6): The Difference Between INFJ and ISFP

How do you know if you are an INFJ or an ISFP? Both personality types don't like routine work. Both are quiet, private, and difficult to know well. These two types might also share the same interests in the arts and music. So how do you tell the difference? Many...

Am I an INFJ? (Part 7): The Difference Between INFJ and ENFP

Am I an INFJ? (Part 7): The Difference Between INFJ and ENFP

ENFP and INFJ are two very different personality types. One is extroverted, while the other is introverted. One prefers to use their Perceiving process to deal with the outer world, while the other prefers to use their Judging process to deal with the outer world. How...