Doing What You Love Articles

How to Find Your Passion in Life?

How to Find Your Passion in Life?

What are you passionate about? How do you find your passion in life? Six years ago, when I felt depressed with my first job as an auditor, I became committed to pursuing my passion and started learning more about my passion. Over the years, I realized that finding...

Should You Do What You Love or What Your Parents Want?

Should You Do What You Love or What Your Parents Want?

No one wants unsupportive parents. Everyone wants their father and mother to support their dreams and passions, but what if they don't? Should you still do what you love? Readers often ask me: "Should I do what I love or do what my parents want?" They are curious...

The Struggle and Joy of Being a Polymath

The Struggle and Joy of Being a Polymath

My brother told me that there are two paths to climb the corporate ladder: Be a manager Be a specialist I'm neither of them. I'm an introvert and a polymath. I can lead and manage people, but I have no interest in doing so. I can master a skill too, but I have no...