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Are you someone who easily picks up on the emotions and energies of those around you?

Do you often find yourself sensing things that others don’t or feeling overwhelmed in crowded spaces?

If so, you may be an intuitive empath.

Intuitive empaths are highly sensitive individuals who have a deep understanding and connection to their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

In this article, we will delve into the various types of intuitive empaths and highlight the 7 key signs of an intuitive empath. Before we begin, let’s clarify the definition and characteristics of an intuitive empath.

What Is an Intuitive Empath?

An intuitive empath is someone who can sense and understand the emotions, energies, and perspectives of others on a deeply intuitive level. This goes beyond simple empathy where one can understand another person’s feelings and put themselves in their shoes.

Intuitive empaths are highly attuned to their intuition and can easily pick up on non-verbal cues, body language, and subtle shifts in energy. This makes them excellent at reading people’s true intentions and understanding the deeper meaning behind their words and actions.

Unlike an emotional empath, who may feel emotions more intensely and personally, intuitive empaths can distance themselves emotionally while still being able to understand and empathize with others.

As an INFJ empath, I possess both intuitive and emotional empathic traits, with a stronger emphasis on my intuitive abilities. At times, I experience others’ emotions as if they were my own, but not consistently. Individuals can be intuitive empaths, emotional empaths, or both.

Read this article for more insight into what an emotional empath is.

7 Types of Intuitive Empaths

There are different types of intuitive empaths, each with their own unique gifts and abilities. Some common types include:

1. Highly Intuitive Empath

These empaths have a strong intuition that allows them to sense and understand others’ emotions, energies, and intentions. Highly intuitive empath gathers and interprets information to understand people’s feelings based on various aspects, including:

  • Body language
  • Facial expressions
  • Tonality
  • Emitted energy and vibe
  • Behaviors
  • Habits

For instance, I once asked my friend if he was feeling down. When he inquired how I knew, I explained that I noticed his behavior was different from his usual self.

2. Psychic Empath

A psychic empath takes intuition to the next level, going beyond the physical to detect subtle energy changes. They tune into others’ emotions and energies on a much deeper level.

They usually possess a few of the following sixth senses:

  • Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing)
  • Clairsentience (clear feeling)
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing)
  • Clairalience (clear smelling)
  • Clairgustance (clear tasting)

By developing their psychic abilities, a highly intuitive empath can transition into a psychic empath.

3. Telepathic Empath

Telepathic empaths possess the ability to communicate telepathically with others. They can pick up on thoughts and feelings from a distance, making them highly attuned to the energies of those around them.

4. Precognitive Empath

Precognitive empaths possess the ability to predict future events based on their intuitive understanding of peoples’ emotions and energies. They may receive information through visions, dreams, or strong feelings.

5. Dream Empath

Dream empaths have a strong connection to the dream world and can receive messages, insights, and guidance through their dreams. They may also have vivid or prophetic dreams that provide information about others’ emotions and intentions.

6. Spiritual Empath

Spiritual empaths possess a profound understanding and connection to the spiritual realm. In addition to perceiving your emotions, they are attuned to your spirit’s desires. They can discern the energy of a situation and help you overcome life challenges on a deeper level.

7. Psychometric Empath

Psychometric empaths possess the ability to read energy imprints on objects. They can pick up on an object’s history and the emotions of those who have handled it, providing insights into people’s past experiences.

7 Signs of an Intuitive Empath

1. You possess a profound grasp of emotions and can help others to understand their feelings.

Intuitive empaths have an innate understanding of emotions. We can easily pick up on subtle changes in body language, tone of voice, and energy shifts. Even when others are unaware of their emotions or in denial, we can sense and understand what they are truly feeling. This makes us natural healers, counselors, and mentors.

We also understand the root causes of others’ emotions on a profound level and can help them recognize their blind spots. Our valuable guidance helps others navigate life’s challenges and process their emotions in a healthy way.

Apart from work, we often offer the best advice to our friends and loved ones when they are feeling lost, confused, or overwhelmed. So this makes us a natural listener and a compassionate friend.

2. You experience strong gut feelings or intuition that guide your decision-making.

Intuitive empaths have heightened intuition. We rely on our gut feelings to navigate through life and make decisions. For example, we may get a strong feeling to avoid a particular place or person and later discover that it was for our own safety.

Our intuition helps us tune into others’ energy and emotions. We can sense when someone is being dishonest, even if they are putting on a convincing act. This makes us excellent judges of character.

Our intuition protects us from negative energies, toxic situations, and harmful people. It also allows us to make decisions that align with our soul, rather than being influenced by external factors.

Even though intuitive empaths often rely on their gut instincts and inner guidance to navigate through life, sometimes other things can get in the way. I share my experience in the video below:

3. You feel overwhelmed in crowded or noisy environments.

All empaths feel overwhelmed in crowded or noisy environments. Emotional empaths often feel drained and exhausted from absorbing the energy and emotions around them. Intuitive empaths, on the other hand, may experience fatigue due to the excessive information they receive from others.

Intuitive empaths tend to be highly sensitive people too. This means we process information more deeply than other people do. So having too much information to process can be extremely overwhelming for us. Our senses can easily become overstimulated in busy or chaotic environments. Therefore, we may frequently need to retreat to a quiet and calm space to recharge.

4. You have an uncanny ability to read others’ thoughts or feelings without them saying anything.

People are often surprised by how accurately intuitive empaths can read their thoughts or emotions. This is because we are highly attuned to the energy and body language of others. We can easily pick up on subtle cues that most people overlook.

For instance, when my coworkers and I were choosing a lunch spot, I proposed the food court. But based on their nonverbal cues, I realized they preferred fast food. So, I changed my suggestion.

Of course, intuitive empaths can’t exactly “read” every word you think. But our intuition allows us to understand the underlying emotions and intentions behind what people say or do. This helps us to know what you might be thinking. This can be incredibly helpful in personal and professional relationships.

5. You have a remarkable ability to accurately predict future events and outcomes.

Intuitive empaths often have a deep sense of knowing and can accurately predict future events or outcomes. This is because we are highly attuned to the energy around us and can pick up on subtle shifts or changes that others may not notice. We may also tap into the universal energy and receive insights or guidance about future events. Sometimes, our dreams can reveal important messages and insights about the future.

This is especially true for precognitive and dream empaths. Other intuitive empaths may not receive information as precise as predicting specific events, but we will at least know the general direction or outcome of a situation.

For example, you may intuitively know that a job or a relationship will not work. Or you may have a strong feeling about a particular choice or decision that will lead to a positive outcome. This intuitive guidance can be incredibly helpful when making important life decisions.

6. You often feel like you don’t fit in.

Intuitive empaths often feel like they don’t fit in because we experience the world differently than others. We are highly sensitive to energy and emotions, which can make us feel overwhelmed or out of place in certain social situations. We may also have a deep understanding of people and their feelings, but struggle to express ourselves or be understood by others.

The way we perceive things and the decisions we make may not fit into societal norms or expectations. Other people may not understand why we feel a certain way or why we are affected by things that seem insignificant to them. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, but it is important to remember that being an intuitive empath is a unique gift and should be embraced.

If you feel like an outsider, watch the video below:

7. You help others by giving them advice.

Out of all the empaths, intuitive empaths are the most likely to give advice and guidance to others. This is because we can see the bigger picture and understand people’s emotions on a deeper level. We can see situations from different perspectives and offer insights that others may not have thought of. We know when someone is heading in the wrong direction and we want to help them make the right choices.

However, intuitive empaths have to be careful not to get too caught up in other people’s problems. Sometimes, people are not receptive to our advice or change. This can leave us feeling frustrated. Only offer your advice when it is asked for and remember that everyone has their own journey to go through.

If you feel frustrated helping others, watch the video below:

Intuitive Empath Q&A

1. Are all empaths highly intuitive?

While all empaths possess a certain level of intuition, not all empaths are considered intuitive empaths. Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning.

Even though all empaths have an innate understanding of emotions and can pick up on subtle cues from others, intuitive empaths receive messages and information that go beyond just emotions. Depending on what type of intuitive empaths they are, they can also have psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance or telepathy.

2. Is intuition related to empathy?

Even though intuitive empaths harness both intuition and empathy to effectively understand people, empathy is not related to intuition. While empathy involves understanding others’ feelings and placing ourselves in their shoes, intuition is more internally focused, manifesting as a gut feeling or internal knowing about someone or something.

Empathy typically occurs when someone shares their problems or when we learn about their situation, and we relate to their feelings. Intuitive empaths, on the other hand, have a deep understanding of others’ emotions, even without explicit communication. This enables us to connect with others on a profound level, making us adept at reading people and situations.

3. What does an intuitive empath do?

An intuitive empath is someone who can sense energies and emotions from people, places, and things. They possess a heightened level of intuition that enables them to pick up on subtle cues and energies that others may not be able to perceive. This ability allows them to understand people’s needs deeply and offer insightful guidance and support.

As an intuitive empath myself, I have used my intuition to help guide my friends, family, and clients through challenging situations. My intuitive and empathic abilities allow me to sense their emotions and understand what they truly need, even if they are unable to articulate it themselves. This makes intuitive empaths natural caregivers and healers.

4. What is the gift of an intuitive empath?

The gift of an intuitive empath is the ability to connect deeply with others and understand their emotions and desires on a profound level. This allows for more meaningful and authentic connections and relationships. Intuitive empaths also have a deep sense of compassion and understanding, making them great listeners and supportive friends.

Furthermore, intuitive empaths are highly attuned to energy, both within themselves and in their surroundings. This allows them to sense and understand the energy of a situation or environment, making them excellent at reading people and situations.

5. What are the challenges of being an intuitive empath?

While being an intuitive empath has many benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the main struggles for intuitive empaths is maintaining boundaries and protecting their energy.

Because intuitive empaths are so deeply connected to others’ emotions and eager to help, we can easily become overwhelmed and drained by the people around us. This can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout if not managed properly.

Intuitive empaths also tend to take on other people’s problems and try to fix them. This can be emotionally taxing and can lead to neglecting their own needs.

Watch the video below to prevent yourself from getting emotionally drained as an empath:

Final Thoughts

If you relate to the signs above and recognize yourself as an intuitive empath, it is crucial to listen to your intuition. Ignoring your intuition may lead to unnecessary stress and challenges in your life.

The Third Eye Chakra governs our intuition and perception. Explore this article for insights on the Third Eye Chakra and tips for balancing it as an empath.