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Empaths face unique challenges that go beyond sensitivity.

But explaining these struggles to others can be tough.

As an empath, I have faced and navigated these hidden obstacles firsthand. So in this guide, I’ll show you 9 struggles that empaths commonly face, and offer insights and tips on overcoming them.

Whether you are an emotional empath yourself or know someone who is, this guide will help you gain a better understanding of this often misunderstood trait.

1. Constant Emotional Overload

The thing that empaths struggle with the most is constant emotional stimulation. Empaths who have not mastered setting healthy energetic boundaries often absorb others’ emotions unknowingly.

We are like an emotional sponge. We soak up all the energy and emotions around us, whether positive or negative. This can easily lead to emotional overload and exhaustion, especially in crowded settings like shopping malls or parties.

To combat this, empaths need to learn how to identify and differentiate their own emotions from those they pick up from others. Also, taking a moment in a peaceful environment to establish energetic boundaries before entering crowded places is key.

Read more: Empath overload >>

2. Absorbing Negativity

Empaths possess a heightened sensitivity to negativity, making them more susceptible to its effects. Exposure to negative news, toxic individuals, or even negative energy from objects can significantly impact empaths.

Since empaths often mirror others’ energy, prolonged exposure to negativity can dampen their spirits. They may also shoulder others’ burdens and attempt to solve problems beyond their capacity, leading to emotional and mental fatigue. This can result in feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained.

To address this challenge, consider avoiding news or media that propagate fear and scarcity. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting individuals, and practice setting boundaries by saying no to activities that do not contribute to your well-being. Remember, you are not obligated to solve everyone else’s issues.

Read this blog post to learn how you can protect yourself from negative energy.

3. Compassion Fatigue

Empaths are highly attuned to others’ emotions, so we often feel compelled to alleviate their emotional burdens. We often take on the responsibility of solving their issues as if they were our own.

However, this continual empathy can lead to compassion fatigue, causing emotional and physical exhaustion, detachment, and even resentment.

To prevent this, it is crucial to prioritize self-care and establish boundaries. Engaging in mindfulness and monitoring your emotional well-being proactively can help prevent burnout or shutdown. Remember, prioritizing your own well-being is not selfish.

Read more: Empath burnout >>

4. People-Pleasing Tendencies

Not all empaths exhibit people-pleasing tendencies or codependency, though many do. Due to our deep empathy and understanding of others’ pain, declining requests can be challenging. We may feel guilty for not helping others.

Furthermore, empaths frequently prioritize and exhibit heightened awareness of others’ emotions over our own. Consequently, we might unknowingly agree to things we later realize are not in our best interest. This tendency can impact decision-making and relationships.

To effectively manage this, cultivate self-awareness and understand your personal boundaries and how to establish them. Recognize that declining requests is vital for self-care and it is not selfish.

Read this blog post to how to put yourself first without feeling guilty.

5. Feeling Misunderstood

Non-empaths may struggle to grasp the innate ability of empaths to mirror others’ emotions effortlessly. Empaths are often misunderstood as being overly sensitive and overly emotional. Some people may also deny the empath’s ability to discern others’ feelings due to their own lack of such sensitivity.

Friends of empaths may find it perplexing why empaths require plenty of alone time to rejuvenate their energy and avoid crowded places. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

To combat this, try to communicate your needs and boundaries clearly with loved ones. Educate them on what it means to be an empath and how they can support you. Surround yourself with understanding and supportive individuals who respect your sensitivity. Remember, being an empath is a gift, not a burden.

If you feel misunderstood and lonely, check out my book, Reconnect to Love.

6. Self-Identity Crisis

Empaths are chameleons, effortlessly mirroring the emotional hues of our surroundings. However, we often struggle with understanding our own feelings and needs. We might confuse external emotions for their own, blurring the lines of personal significance.

This lack of self-awareness can trigger an identity crisis, surrounding empaths in self-doubt and questioning the authenticity of our feelings and needs. It’s like being lost at sea, grappling with a whirlwind of emotions without a stable anchor.

Navigating this internal turmoil requires empaths to prioritize introspection and self-discovery. Practices like journaling, meditation, and immersing in nature can act as grounding tools, aiding in discerning between internal emotions and external influences.

If you derive your identity mostly from emotions, read more about enneagram type 4.

7. Relationship Challenges

Empaths are naturally drawn to individuals with a strong sense of self and emotional stability. This attraction stems from our need for grounding and security in relationships.

However, this attraction can lead to challenges. Empaths may find themselves entangled with narcissists, emotionally unavailable individuals, or those who lack sensitivity to their needs. Despite their deep empathy and attentiveness to their partner’s feelings, empaths often feel unreciprocated in emotional support, leading to an imbalance in the relationship.

Empaths may also feel drawn to individuals facing challenges, seeking to support our partners in overcoming obstacles. However, we can become so engulfed in our partners’ emotions that ultimately we lose touch with ourselves.

To address this challenge, empaths need to recognize that not everyone shares their emotional sensitivity. It’s vital to openly communicate your needs and emotions with your partners to establish a healthy dynamic where both feel valued. Also, avoid choosing problematic partners to feel needed, and focus on what you truly desire in a relationship.

Read this blog post if you are a codependent empath.

8. Unclear Energetic Boundaries

Empaths often struggle with boundaries, particularly energetic ones. Their sensitivity can lead them to be easily influenced by others’ emotions and needs. For instance, while focusing on a task in my room, a family member’s entrance and conversation can quickly divert my attention and engagement.

A large aura and porous boundaries can be liberating when enjoying nature walks. However, having expansive energetic boundaries can invite unwanted intrusions into our emotional and energetic space.

To address this, it is crucial to discern when to draw back our energetic boundaries to maintain our individual essence. Learning techniques such as grounding and shielding to protect our energy in challenging environments is key.

Read more: Setting empath boundaries >>

9. Struggle to Make Decisions

Empaths often find decision-making challenging due to their tendency to consider multiple factors. We possess unique insights into others’ emotions and we may feel the need to incorporate them into our decision-making process.

However, this can lead to confusion and indecisiveness. Rather than trusting our intuition, we often prioritize external opinions and emotions, aiming to please everyone along the way. This approach can hinder personal growth and decision-making.

To overcome this, empaths can prioritize connecting with their inner guidance and acknowledging that it is impossible to please everyone. Letting go of the need for constant caretaking and control can help empaths navigate decisions more effectively.

Final Thoughts

Even though empaths have unique challenges we have to overcome, exploring our struggles isn’t about dwelling in self-pity or playing the victim. It is about gaining insights into becoming stronger, healthier empaths. By recognizing and addressing our obstacles, we pave the way for a more balanced and rewarding life.

Want more insights on being a better empath? Explore my videos featured in this empath playlist.