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Spiritual awakening is a profound journey that transforms our perspective on life and its material aspects. However, we often overlook the connection between money and spirituality.

Following a spiritual awakening, individuals may prioritize living authentically but unintentionally neglect their careers and financial well-being. Some even perceive money as incompatible with spirituality.

In this article, I will share 7 crucial lessons I have learned about money after experiencing a spiritual awakening. These insights not only reshaped my values but also transformed my approach to wealth. But first, let us discover how spirituality and finances can coexist harmoniously and enhance your overall well-being.

Can Money and Spirituality Coexist?

Yes, money and spirituality can coexist harmoniously. However, many individuals who experience spiritual awakenings feel torn between financial success and spiritual fulfillment. They believe they must choose between the two, leading them to switch from one lifestyle to another instead of integrating spirituality into their financial lives.

Following a spiritual awakening, some may lose interest in material possessions like money, cars, or houses, assuming that these things are not spiritual. Nevertheless, money itself is neutral. It is neither inherently good nor bad. It is our intentions that shape its impact. Wealth can serve as a catalyst for positive change, allowing us to support meaningful causes, help those in need, and enhance our own lives and the lives of others.

A common misconception is that spiritual individuals must renounce money and live frugally, associating wealth with greed or a lack of spirituality. This misconception is caused by our negative beliefs toward money and it only leads to unnecessary tension and guilt. It is important to recognize that having less money does not equate to being more spiritual. Spirituality stems from abundance and diversity, while greed arises from a sense of scarcity. These perspectives differ greatly in terms of energy and mindset.

Instead of judging money, it is more important that we embrace financial success while remaining spiritually grounded.

7 Money Lessons I Learned After Spiritual Awakening

1. Making enough gives you the time and freedom to do what truly resonates with your soul.

After undergoing a spiritual awakening, your primary focus shifts away from money and material possessions. However, having a steady income provides the necessary time and freedom to pursue soul-aligned callings.

For instance, following my spiritual awakening, I felt compelled to write books. Yet, I realized through my Dark Night of the Soul experience that writing without a job triggered anxiety and panic attacks. To overcome this, I offered tuition lessons alongside my writing pursuits. By achieving financial stability, I could dedicate myself to creating impactful content that serves my audience.

Post-spiritual awakening, the desire to chase material possessions, job titles, or wealth diminishes as these are ego-driven ambitions. However, maintaining financial security allows for more time and freedom to focus on what truly matters to your soul. This enables better concentration and minimizes disruptions caused by the fearful ego. Ultimately, this will lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

2. Money is energy and it needs to be circulated.

One of the most significant insights I learned after my spiritual awakening was that money is energy. It needs to flow continuously, just like the blood in our body. When we hold onto money out of fear or scarcity, it blocks the natural flow of abundance.

Before my spiritual awakening, I viewed money as a tool to acquire material possessions and fulfill external desires. However, my perspective has since shifted. I now recognize that money represents a form of energy and serves as a vehicle for exchanging value.

Consider this scenario: You possess a $10 bill. You utilize it to purchase something you desire, thereby receiving the inherent value that the product or service offers. Interestingly, the $10 bill does not cease to exist. Instead, it moves to someone else who uses it to acquire a different form of value. This continuous circulation of the $10 bill within the economy generates value with each transaction.

In essence, money is just an instrument for facilitating the exchange and creation of value. It needs to be circulated for it to be meaningful.

3. Desiring financial abundance does not diminish your spiritual nature.

Desiring money does not diminish your spirituality. It is the excessive attachment to money that hinders your spiritual growth.

When spiritual teachers encourage you to relinquish money and material possessions, they are essentially teaching you to release attachment, not to reject money itself. You shouldn’t be so attached to money that it determines your happiness. Instead, strive to find happiness independent of your financial circumstances. While it may be easier to detach from money when it plays a lesser role in your life, this may not be what you truly want.

Different souls desire different paths in this lifetime. Money, viewed as energy, signifies a desire for greater momentum and expansion. Wanting more money simply indicates a desire for acceleration. Some individuals choose a slower pace of life, like that of a monk, while others seek greater momentum and expansion. Neither path is right or wrong. It just depends on what resonates with your soul.

4. Your relationship with money will reflect how much wealth you attract.

Your relationship with money mirrors your relationship with others. If you harbor dislike or judgment towards money, it will elude you. Likewise, if you exhibit neediness, money will run away from you. However, if you have a friendly relationship with money, you will attract more wealth into your life. This is because according to the law of attraction, like attracts like. Your thoughts and emotions create energetic vibrations that either align with abundance or repel it.

After my Dark Night of the Soul, I found myself without income and turned to part-time tutoring. When I received my first fee, a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation washed over me. I was not only grateful for the financial support but also for the opportunity to assist others. This transformative experience elevated my vibration and drew more abundance into my life.

To attract financial abundance, you must first cultivate a positive mindset towards money. When you have a healthy and positive attitude towards money, it will flow towards you effortlessly.

To learn more about how gratitude transformed my financial journey, watch the video below:

5. True abundance is derived from the continuous flow of energy, rather than the mere accumulation of wealth.

After my spiritual awakening, I realized true abundance is rooted in the flow of energy and life. Hoarding money and material possessions only creates blockages and restricts the natural flow of energy.

While the ego perceives money as a large swimming pool, equating size with superiority, the spirit views money as a flowing river. Unlike a stagnant pool, a river is always in motion, with water continuously entering and exiting. The essence of true abundance lies in this perpetual movement. It means remaining open to receiving more while having something to give others in return.

However, many of us equate wealth with material possessions and accumulating money. This perspective only keeps us stuck in a scarcity mindset. We end up feeling disconnected from the world and the natural flow of prosperity.

Read this article to learn more about the importance of giving and receiving to your growth.

6. True abundance is not measured by external possessions but by the internal state of being.

The true measure of abundance is not in the size of our bank accounts or the number of material possessions we have, but rather in our internal state of being. Despite having financial abundance, an individual may remain unfulfilled or afraid of losing their wealth. On the other hand, someone with less material possessions but a deep sense of inner peace and contentment is truly abundant.

Spiritual awakening helped me realize that money is not the ultimate source of happiness and fulfillment. It is merely a tool to support my journey in this physical world. I can find joy and fulfillment in life at any given moment, regardless of my bank account balance.

Instead of solely pursuing financial gain, prioritize cultivating a strong bond with your inner self and discovering true contentment within. By releasing attachment to material possessions, you open yourself up to receiving abundance in all aspects of life. This includes financial wealth, but also relationships, opportunities, and experiences.

7. The journey towards spiritual money involves letting go of limiting beliefs and aligning with your true purpose.

To achieve abundance in all aspects of life, including financial wealth, it is crucial to let go of limiting beliefs that hinder our ability to receive. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that money is scarce and can only be attained through hard work or luck. These beliefs create barriers that prevent us from unlocking our true potential for wealth.

Through spiritual awakening, I discovered that I had money blocks and limiting beliefs regarding money that originated from my childhood. Previously, I would save diligently and then spend everything on things I truly loved. This created a love-hate relationship with money. Additionally, I held negative beliefs about sales, which hindered the flow of energy and money. These beliefs prevented me from providing the best value to others.

Contrary to common misconceptions, sales are not sleazy or about taking other people’s money. It is a facilitator of value and energy exchange. Without sales, businesses and economies cannot thrive. The key is aligning sales with what truly matters to others and our true purpose. Wealth is about providing value to others. It is essential to shift our mindset towards money, viewing it as a tool for manifestation and impact, rather than something that controls us.

Final Thoughts

Spirituality and money intersect when we align our mindset, values, and purpose. Through spiritual awakening, I learned that true wealth is about abundance in all aspects of life, not just material possessions.

Money is energy that can be used for good and to create positive change in the world. By letting go of limiting beliefs and aligning with our true purpose, we can unlock our full potential for wealth and make a positive impact in the world.

Money EQ, a Mindvalley course by Ken Honda, offers a Zen and peaceful approach to money management. Experience the power of releasing your money blocks and cultivating a positive relationship with money. Click here to find more information on Money EQ and watch a free masterclass by Ken Honda.