Spiritual Awakening Articles

Feeling Empty After Spiritual Awakening? 7 Ways to Heal

Feeling Empty After Spiritual Awakening? 7 Ways to Heal

Feeling empty can manifest in different ways for different people. It could be a sense of disconnection from oneself, others, or the world around us. Emptiness can also be described as feeling emotionless, emotionally numb, or lacking purpose and direction in life....

What Is Spiritual Surrender? A Guide to Inner Peace

What Is Spiritual Surrender? A Guide to Inner Peace

Spiritual surrender is often misunderstood and overlooked in our modern society. In a world that emphasizes constant striving for success and control, surrendering can be seen as a weakness. However, spiritual surrender is an act of trust that requires courage and...

How Spiritual Awakening Changes My Perception of Money

How Spiritual Awakening Changes My Perception of Money

Spiritual awakening is a profound journey that transforms our perspective on life and its material aspects. However, we often overlook the connection between money and spirituality. Following a spiritual awakening, individuals may prioritize living authentically but...

Feeling Lost After Spiritual Awakening? You’re Not Alone.

Feeling Lost After Spiritual Awakening? You’re Not Alone.

A spiritual awakening brings about a profound shift in consciousness, but it can sometimes leave one feeling lost, ungrounded, and confused about what to do next. You are not alone in this journey. Many people feel this way too. In this article, I will provide 8 key...

12 Reasons Why You Lose Friends After Spiritual Awakening

12 Reasons Why You Lose Friends After Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a profoundly transformative experience that can impact our relationships with others, potentially leading to the loss of friendships. Whether it's a close friend or a mere acquaintance, there are various reasons why individuals may drift apart...

What Happens After Spiritual Awakening? A New Chapter

What Happens After Spiritual Awakening? A New Chapter

For people who have just experienced a spiritual awakening, the road ahead can be exhilarating. However, it is essential to understand what to expect after the initial bliss and excitement subside. Even though everyone will experience a different journey, there are...

The Dark Side of Spiritual Awakening That No One Tells You

The Dark Side of Spiritual Awakening That No One Tells You

Spiritual awakenings can be a profound and deeply transformative experience. But what many people don't know is that these spiritual awakenings often come with intense emotional pain. It is common for people to feel overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, or anxious as...

How to Navigate Loneliness During a Spiritual Awakening

How to Navigate Loneliness During a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a meaningful experience that can bring about personal growth and transformation. However, it is not always a smooth journey — many people feel alone or isolated during their awakening. This feeling of loneliness can be difficult to manage and...

How To Get Through The Dark Night of The Soul Faster

How To Get Through The Dark Night of The Soul Faster

It can be difficult to find the light at the end of the tunnel when going through a Dark Night of the Soul. But with patience and understanding, it is possible to get through this challenging period in life much faster and more peacefully. In this blog post, we will...

What Is a Dark Night of the Soul? 9 Key Symptoms Decoded

What Is a Dark Night of the Soul? 9 Key Symptoms Decoded

"The Dark Night of the Soul" is a term that is commonly used to describe a period of spiritual transformation. During this dark period, one may feel depressed, lost, and confused. In this blog post, we explore the 9 main symptoms of the Dark Night of the Soul. But...

What Is Spiritual Awakening? An Essential Introduction

What Is Spiritual Awakening? An Essential Introduction

Spiritual awakening is the process of discovering and connecting with your Divine self, which is the highest version of yourself. In this blog post, we will learn what a spiritual awakening feels like and its two main causes. We will also explore the common signs of...

22 Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

22 Signs You’re Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakenings can come in many forms, and the signs and symptoms vary from person to person. There may be conflicting signs. One person might feel a sense of connection with a higher power, while another person could experience intense negative emotions....

7 Main Types of Spirituality: Choose the Best Path for You

7 Main Types of Spirituality: Choose the Best Path for You

Exploring spirituality can be a rewarding journey. Every person has a unique spiritual path, and there are many different types of spirituality to explore, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. The various types of spirituality can be categorized according to...

7 Reasons Why Spiritual Awakening Breaks Your Relationships

7 Reasons Why Spiritual Awakening Breaks Your Relationships

When you undergo a spiritual awakening, you may feel like everything in your life is changing, including your relationships. Sometimes, this change can result in losing the people closest to you or having unwanted conflict with friends and family members. Though it...

7 Easy Ways to Ignite a Spiritual Awakening

7 Easy Ways to Ignite a Spiritual Awakening

Are you looking for spiritual growth but not sure where to start? Do you want to feel more connected with yourself and reach higher states of consciousness? If so, then this article is for you! I have been exploring spirituality for years and I have found seven simple...