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Feeling empty can manifest in different ways for different people. It could be a sense of disconnection from oneself, others, or the world around us. Emptiness can also be described as feeling emotionless, emotionally numb, or lacking purpose and direction in life.

For individuals who have recently experienced a spiritual awakening, emptiness may come as a surprise. After all, a spiritual awakening is often depicted as a euphoric experience where one’s connection to the divine is heightened. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to feel empty or lost after going through such a profound transformation.

In this article, we will learn how to navigate this feeling of emptiness and find healing in our spiritual journey. But first, let’s understand what emptiness is and why it may occur in the first place.

What Is Emptiness in Spirituality?

Emptiness in spirituality can have two meanings. First, spiritual emptiness is often referred to as a state of mind or consciousness that is free from attachment and illusion. This concept is commonly associated with Buddhist teachings, where emptiness is seen as the ultimate reality – a state beyond all dualities.

Secondly, spiritual emptiness can also refer to feelings of emotional emptiness or numbness after a spiritual awakening. This can occur when one’s previous beliefs and attachments have been shattered, and they are left with a sense of loss or confusion. This stage of awakening is often known as the Dark Night of the Soul.

In this article, we will focus on the second type of spiritual emptiness.

Why Do You Feel Empty After Spiritual Awakening? 4 Causes

1. You lose a sense of purpose after you let go of old identities and beliefs.

A spiritual awakening can be a tumultuous experience, as it often involves letting go of old identities and belief systems that no longer serve us. This shedding of the past can leave one feeling lost or empty, especially if their previous identity was strongly tied to their sense of self.

For example, previously, I identified strongly with my career, but when I became unemployed, I experienced a sense of emptiness. The things that used to hold significance for me no longer do, leaving me feeling purposeless and unmotivated to do anything.

Releasing attachments is vital for spiritual growth, but it can also create a temporary void that needs to be filled with new meaning and purpose.

2. You feel disconnected from others.

During a spiritual awakening, we may become more aware of the illusions and ego-driven behavior in those around us. This can lead to feelings of disconnection from others and make us question our relationships.

Additionally, as we begin to prioritize our inner journey, we may distance ourselves from people and activities that no longer align with our newfound spiritual beliefs. This can cause loneliness and emptiness as we navigate this new path without the familiar support of those around us.

3. You are not fully connected with your spirit yet.

When we are fully connected with our spirit, letting go of attachments to our careers and relationships won’t leave us feeling empty. The sense of emptiness following a spiritual awakening arises from our disconnection with our souls. This feeling has been present since the very beginning, even before experiencing a spiritual awakening.

Prior to spiritual awakening, we relied on external factors to feel happy. We fill our inner emptiness with external possessions, entertainment, food, and more. But these temporary sources of satisfaction can never truly fulfill our souls.

Once these external attachments are removed, we are left with a void that can be quite jarring. We can’t ignore that feeling of emptiness anymore. It has always been there, but we were too distracted to notice it. This sudden awareness can be overwhelming and even scary. But this is a necessary part of the spiritual journey. It allows us to become aware of our inner disconnection and work towards reconnecting with our spirit.

4. You suppress or numb your emotions.

A spiritual awakening often involves facing deep-seated emotions and traumas that we may have been avoiding. These unresolved emotions and traumas can manifest as a feeling of emptiness within us.

When we go through a spiritual awakening and start to become more in tune with ourselves, we may also become more aware of our suppressed emotions. This can be uncomfortable and overwhelming, causing us to shut down and feel emotionally numb. This is particularly applicable to individuals accustomed to emotional detachment. They may not have the tools and coping mechanisms to deal with such intense emotions, leading them to suppress or numb their feelings.

However, emotional numbing hinders our ability to fully experience a wide range of positive emotions. It only prolongs the feeling of emptiness or causes spiritual bypassing. It may provide temporary relief, but it also prevents us from truly healing and reconnecting with our spirit.

7 Things to Do When You Feel Empty in Your Spiritual Journey

1. Surrender to the emptiness and trust the process.

Sometimes, the best way to overcome feeling empty is to surrender to it. Allow yourself to feel the emptiness fully without resistance or judgment. Know that it is okay to feel empty, emotionless, or emotionally numb. These feelings are just a part of your spiritual journey.

When you experience emptiness, it feels like something is missing in your life. You may feel the urge to seek a quick fix and fill up the void inside of you. Instead, take a pause and feel the discomfort of longing for something intensely. Don’t hastily react to or numb the feeling of emptiness. Often, when we stop fighting against our emotions, they naturally begin to shift and dissipate.

Also, remind yourself that emptiness is just a temporary phase in your journey toward inner growth and connection with your spirit. Trust that your spirit will eventually guide you towards healing and fulfillment.

2. Allow intense emotions to surface and feel them fully.

After you surrender to the emptiness, you may find that intense emotions start to surface. This is a natural part of the healing process. Instead of suppressing or numbing these emotions, allow yourself to feel them fully and deeply.

It can be helpful to find a safe space where you can freely express your emotions without fear of judgment. This could be through journaling, inner child healing, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or engaging in a physical activity like dance or yoga. By allowing yourself to fully experience these intense emotions, you can release them and create more space for positive emotions to enter.

3. Spend time alone and connect with your inner self.

During times of emptiness, it can be tempting to distract ourselves with external stimuli such as social media, TV, or excessive work. However, this only further disconnects us from our inner selves and prolongs the feeling of emptiness.

Instead, take time to be alone and connect with your inner self. Reconnecting with the inner self is essential for understanding and processing the emotional pain of spiritual awakening. Use this time to reflect on your spiritual journey, your beliefs, and your inner truth. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and reconnecting with your spirit. By spending time alone and connecting with your inner self, you can rediscover your passion and purpose in life.

4. Practice self-care and self-compassion.

When we feel empty, it is essential to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. This means nourishing our bodies with nutritious food, getting sufficient rest and sleep, and engaging in activities that bring us joy. These activities can range from immersing ourselves in nature, indulging in a good book, or expressing our creativity through art.

It is also crucial to cultivate self-compassion during these moments. As we navigate difficult emotions, we may be self-critical for not living up to our own expectations of spiritual perfection. We expect ourselves to be happy and fulfilled all the time but that is not a realistic expectation. Spiritual people are not immune to negative emotions. By practicing self-compassion, we are giving ourselves the love and understanding that we need in order to heal and move forward.

5. Connect with your body and stay present.

Spiritual emptiness can often cause us to disconnect from our bodies. We may feel like we are floating through life, unable to fully ground ourselves and connect with our physical being. In these moments, it is important to bring our awareness back into our bodies.

One way to do this is through mindful movements such as yoga, tai chi, or dance. These practices can help us reconnect with our bodies and release any stagnant energy that may be contributing to our feelings of emptiness. They also allow us to be present in the moment and tune out any external distractions.

6. Seek support from trusted individuals or a spiritual community.

Feeling empty on your spiritual journey can be a lonely experience. It may seem like no one understands what you are going through. However, seeking support from spiritual communities or mentors can provide a sense of connection and understanding.

Sharing our experiences with others who are on a similar path can offer valuable insights and support. It also reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a community of individuals who are also navigating their own spiritual journeys.

7. Connect with your spiritual practices and nature.

Spiritual practices and nature have a way of helping us feel connected to something greater than ourselves, and in turn, can help alleviate feelings of emptiness.

Returning to our spiritual practices, whether it be meditation, prayer, or journaling, can help us reconnect with our inner selves and feel a sense of purpose. These practices can serve as a grounding force and help us tap into our inner wisdom and guidance.

Spending time in nature can also provide a grounding and comforting feeling. Take some time to go for a walk, sit by the ocean, or simply spend time in your garden. Allow yourself to be present and observe the beauty around you. This can help shift your perspective and bring a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Final Thoughts

Feeling empty on your spiritual journey is a common experience, especially after a spiritual awakening. It is important to remember that these feelings are temporary and part of the growth process.

If you are seeking a stronger connection with your inner self, I invite you to read my book, Reconnect to Love.