How to Overcome Fear of Rejection

How to Overcome Fear of Rejection

Are you afraid of rejection? Are you afraid to ask for help even though you needed it? Do you like someone but don’t dare to ask them out on a date? You don’t take action because you are afraid of hearing the word “no”. This month’s theme...
5 Reasons Why Self-Care Is Not Selfish

5 Reasons Why Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Why aren’t you taking care of yourself? Do you feel selfish for spending too much time on yourself? Do you feel guilty for not attending to the needs of your children, family, and friends? Self-care is not selfish. I always find it interesting to look at moms,...
What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important?

What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important?

Why is self-care important? Most of us don’t pay much attention to our body, mind, and soul until something happens. Do you pay attention to your knees? Or do you only notice them when you knock them against a piece of furniture? Do you pay attention to your...